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Hazards Associated with Silo Fires

Silos are vital to many facilities and farms. Unfortunately, they do come with the risk of a fire — small or large — that can be detrimental to business, the safety of employees, and of course your storage material.

silo fire cleaning and maintenanceHow Silo Fires Occur

There are three components to a fire initiating in your facility: Heat, Oxygen, and Fuel. While these may seem simple to control, there are endless variations of atmospheric levels that would cause your silo to be at risk. Gases such as Methane, Ammonia, Hydrogen, and other combustible elements pose a serious role in the risk of explosions. These elements collectively influence the Lower Explosion Limit (LEL) within the atmosphere. The dispersion and confinement of these gases, along with dust, are crucial factors in initiating a chain reaction leading to a fire or smoldering event.

The Risk Beyond Fires

In addition to the risk associated with the fire itself, there are safety hazards associated once these bad atmospheric readings start. If you try to put out the fire without proper knowledge, or wait too long, you impose a potential explosion or damage to the silo itself. This not only affects the expensive product and structure, but your entire facility, its staff, and their families.

The IA Bulk Crews are experienced in such a large range of commodities and industries, it allows us to be capable of solving any issue in these times of need. We are able to bring our industry knowledge, equipment that will be prepared for anything, and the experience to know all the signs of a fire or explosion starting or becoming worse.

silo inspection to prevent a silo fireHow to Prevent Silo Fires

As with many pieces of equipment, maintenance is imperative for seamless and disaster-free operation. When your silo is empty, it’s important to inspect all the components and verify there are no cracks or deterioration that could cause the atmosphere to shift inside. The crews at Industrial Access Bulk Material can perform thorough inspections, ensuring all areas are problem-free. We are also able to develop maintenance plans with each customer to manage their facility in the safest, and most effective way. By implementing a routine cleaning plan, it allows for your plant to always run at highest capacity, stay away from costly risks, and perform at the highest standard of practice.

Lastly, ensure you’re following all recommended harvesting and storage practices. It’s important to follow the steps and ensure the moisture level is as it should be — as it could mean a fire if neglected.

In Need of Your Regular Silo Cleaning and Maintenance?

It may be time to call Industrial Access Bulk Material if you suspect your silo could benefit from a cleaning or any other routine maintenance. If you’re interested in setting up a set schedule, our team is committed to developing personalized maintenance plans to work with your facility. Call us today at (770) 824-1028 to get started.

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