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Contact IA Bulk Material

Turnkey Experts to Solve Your Silo Cleaning Problems

Please contact IA Bulk Material if you have any questions about our cleanout services. We have years of experience taking on the most difficult projects that others have dismissed as being too difficult or dangerous to complete.

Contact Us To Speak To An Expert:

  • Phone: 770-255-1322
  • Email: bulkmaterial@industrialaccess.com

Message from our Leader:

Founder Industrial Access Bulk Materials, Christopher Ledbetter

Routinely, Industrial Access Bulk Material gets opportunities to clear bins or silos that our competitors have failed to empty. Time and time again, we are able to arrive onsite and demonstrate why we are the leaders in this industry. We are much more than a “bin whip” company that will show up with a crew of two or three and work at a silo for months to clear.

Our companies’ in-house resources to proprietary equipment and all industrial trades make us the most effective bulk material service provider in north America. From a simple grain silo with a bridge, to a complex 225M bulk cargo ship, we will and can get it empty! As specialty multi-craft service providers and leaders in Bulk Material Clean out technology, we have established a reputation for safety first operations and have forged lasting business relationships with leading industrial organizations.

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