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Bin Whipping, Cardox Blasting, and Other Cleaning Methods

At Industrial Access Bulk Materials, no job is too large or complex for us to complete. As the leading specialty access contractor in the U.S. that services silos, we can offer several solutions to assist your company with any blockage or restriction of bulk materials. We have the expertise to fix minor or major issues or assist with routine maintenance to avoid future issues down the road. We pride ourselves on providing the highest quality of service in as little time as possible to save you money and downtime. With over 14 different proprietary tools and methodologies, Industrial Access Bulk Materials will get the job done. Unlike our competitors, we have never walked away from an unfinished project.

cardox blasting for rathole problems

We offer the following solutions or any combination of solutions to ensure your assets are flowing as usual:


Industrial Access Bulk Materials wants to ensure that the best cleaning plan is carried out based on what each company needs. Because of this, we offer assessment services to help build and carry out this plan.

Cardox Blasting

Cardox blasting utilizes non-explosive, controlled blasting that breaks up and loosens material that may be causing a blockage inside a storage vessel. This is widely recognized as the most effective method of getting rid of any blockages in silos and bins, while also being cheap for your company and safe for the operator.

Silo Cleanout

We are trained and equipped to handle buildup, flow issues and blockages of any volume and severity. In storage silos and tanks, bulk material that stands too long can gradually harden and get stuck inside the structure, losing your company’s assets. These unwanted, production robbing material buildups have long been a problem for industries with bulk storage facilities. We have Years of experience taking on the most difficult projects that others have dismissed as being too difficult or dangerous to complete. Regardless of the degree of difficulty that may exist in your plant’s storage facility, the experts at Industrial Access Bulk Materials will assess the situation and determine the safest and most immediate way to restore its full capacity.

cardox blasting for rathole problems

Air Cannons

Air cannons are an effective solution to ensure that silos, bins, and storage vessels have no buildup. Unlike other cleaning methods, air cannons are permanent fixtures installed on a storage vessel that shoot compressed air into storage vessels to knock off the buildup.

Maintenance Plans

We recommend that customers follow a regular maintenance plan to minimize the risk of blockage inside storage units. We can work with your company’s individual needs to build the best maintenance plan possible.

If your company is experience silo, bin, or storage vessel blockage and needs cleaning or maintenance, Industrial Access Bulk Materials can help. We will save you time, money, and downtime as we get your valuable assets flowing as usual.

770-255-1322 | bulkmaterial@industrialaccess.com

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