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Make Safety a Priority: No Confined Space Entry

Silo cleaning has long been considered a challenging and hazardous task for facilities. Oftentimes this leads facility owners to resort to confined space entry to clean out their product. Not only is this dangerous for a worker’s life, it is not the most efficient way to get the silo flowing again.

Silo bin whipping available in Houston TX & Pittsburgh PAThe Hazards of Confined Space Entry

In a confined space, there can be different atmospheric changes that affect the oxygen levels. This is a huge hazard if you are thinking about taking this route. The space could become oxygen deficient or oxygen enriched, both leading to problems for someone entering without the proper PPE, training, and experience. Some other hazards that can be associated are: toxic materials, engulfment, falling objects, mechanical hazards, and extreme temperatures.

The No Confined Space Entry Approach

New technologies and innovative methodologies have made it possible to have no confined space entry involved in your silo clean out project. These resources prioritize worker safety while improving the efficiency of the cleaning process. Some of these remote tools include: Pneumatic and Hydraulic bin whips, Cardox CO2 blasting, bin drills, and intrinsically safe explosives. The difference with an IA Bulk Materials crew is that they do bring these tools with them, but also carry their own proprietary equipment and methodologies that they have developed over years of experience.

Safety and Compliance

Eliminating the need for confined space entry significantly reduces the risk of accidents and injuries, promoting a safer working environment. By using a no confined space entry approach, it ensures compliance with all safety regulations, protecting both the company and the workers.

By embracing advanced technologies and innovative approaches, businesses can protect their most valuable asset – their workforce – while optimizing their operational processes. IA Bulk Materials is able to work with zero confined space entry. Not only are we able to tackle routine maintenance and cleaning this way, but we are also able to knock down the toughest clean out jobs with the same approach. We pride ourselves on our safety promise. If you want things done well, and done the right way, call IA Bulk Materials today for all your silo cleaning needs

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